
May 19th , 2024


Kelvin Dechi

A year ago


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A year ago

🔑 Build up to 10 (or 50… or 100) in the event that you feel like you're going to do or express a negative thought. It's a speedy, simple method for isolating yourself intellectually from the circumstance.

🔑 Sprinkle some virus water all over.

🔑 Dial back and spotlight on your relaxing. Cognizant breathing includes taking sluggish, full breaths in through your nose, and gradually out through your mouth.

🔑 Telephone a companion. Do you have a steady companion or relative who can listen closely and quiet you down?

🔑 Attempt to supplant negative, irate considerations with positive, normal ones.

🔑 Regardless of whether you're feeling upset, advise yourself that flying off the handle won't fix the way that you're feeling.

ʉϬ @the_life_tips

LIFE TIPS, [01/10/2022 11:01]

Relinquish THE Show

Relinquish THE Contempt

Relinquish THE Aggravation.

Discover a real sense of reconciliation.

Track down Satisfaction.

Track down YOURSELF.

✨ @the_life_tips

LIFE TIPS, [01/10/2022 13:00]

You might delay, however time will not.

LIFE TIPS, [01/10/2022 17:59]

Being silly is alright. It's alright to be unusual. It's alright to be inventive. Showing emotion is alright. Being wrong is alright. It's alright to fall flat. Clasping hands and hug is alright. It's alright to say 'I love you'. It's alright to live. It's alright to be you since we are simply attempting to sort it out.

✨ @the_life_tips

LIFE TIPS, [01/10/2022 20:29]

Less: More:

    ——             â€”—

. Judging . Making a difference

. Questioning . Supporting

. Accusing . Responsibility

. Talking . Tuning in

. Mimicking . Inventiveness

. Selling . Teaching

. Pausing . Doing

. Division . Comprehensiveness

. Equivalence . Variety

. Questioning . Mental fortitude

✨ @the_life_tips

LIFE TIPS, [01/10/2022 22:00]


Restart. Reset. Straighten out - as the need might arise to.

LIFE TIPS, [02/10/2022 04:20]

This is the way karma tracks down you:

1. Buckle down

2. Remain workable

3. Give unselfishly

4. Peruse and compose more

5. Arrive as expected

6. Stop griping

7. Foster great habits

8. Be modest and show appreciation

9. Be thoughtful and liberal

10. Encircle yourself with more brilliant individuals

✨ @the_life_tips

LIFE TIPS, [02/10/2022 08:00]

Not every person is intended to be a major part of your life until the end of time.

Certain individuals come to train you to give up, while some assist you with being a superior person.

✨ @the_life_tips

LIFE TIPS, [02/10/2022 14:01]

You have the right to accomplish more.

Try not to acknowledge your "typical."

Meet the Author

Kelvin Dechi

Content writer

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