
March 3rd , 2025


Kelvin Dechi

2 years ago


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Your Fantasy Life is hanging tight for your Activities.

Simply see what occurs assuming you attempt and take the risk.

Also, yes recollect.

You Won't ever be 100 percent entirely prepared for that.

You'll advance all through the way.

The main ideal opportunity to make the Moves is Currently.

LIFE TIPS, [17/11/2022 11:01]

Be intense when you lose,

Be quiet when you win...

Changing the face can

Don't change anything,

But,Facing the change can

change everything...!!

? @the_life_tips

LIFE TIPS, [17/11/2022 15:43]

"At the point when individuals permit you to be familiar with their aggravation and discuss it, take your shoes off. It's a sacred spot. Be unassuming, be thoughtful when somebody shows you weakness."

~ Amani Albair Gohar

? @the_life_tips

LIFE TIPS, [17/11/2022 18:19]

Dont make life excessively upsetting.

Continuously set aside opportunity and motivation to chuckle… …

It may not add a long time to your life .

Be that as it may, will most likely add more life

to your years.

? @the_life_tips

LIFE TIPS, [18/11/2022 03:08]

I'm not bombed my Prosperity is recently Delayed.

LIFE TIPS, [18/11/2022 12:48]

Breaks of the year, Ariana Grande getting f*cked Like a bitch after a show by somebody everybody knows ? (fortunate him aha)

She's actually excessively ??

??FOR The people WHO HAVEN'T SEEN THE VIDEO Everybody IS Discussing IT'S Accessible HERE UNCENSORED??

LIFE TIPS, [18/11/2022 13:49]

We never have what we like,

we never like what we have

still we live, love and trust

that sometime we'll get what

we love or love what we


Such is reality.

LIFE TIPS, [18/11/2022 18:01]

Alter your life as often as possible and heartlessly. It's your show-stopper all things considered.

? @the_life_tips

LIFE TIPS, [18/11/2022 18:30]

Last year's you is glad for the current year's you.

LIFE TIPS, [19/11/2022 05:00]

To work on your composition, read more.

To work on your reasoning, compose more.

To work on your narrating, present more.

To work on your energy, rest more.

To work on your figuring out, instruct more.

To work on your organization, give more.

To work on your satisfaction, grin more.

? @the_life_tips

LIFE TIPS, [19/11/2022 08:28]

Simply leave, when regard is not generally served.

LIFE TIPS, [19/11/2022 14:31]

Nothing at any point remains something similar. Be cheerful regardless, on the grounds that change is a major piece of life.

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Kelvin Dechi

Content writer

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