
September 8th , 2024



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What Is Reasoning?. Reasoning can be defined as the way of thinking rationally. It's a collective of judgement, intuitions, conceptions and more. Reasoning is a very normal thing to do in life. Before anyone does anything for instance, the person must have processed that thing in the mind before he does it.

What is Religion?. Religion is beliefs on a spiritual or metaphysical level. We have different types of religion in Nigeria for example.

The reason why I'm pinning religion against reasoning is because people tend to overdo religion in this part of the world. Religion is like a disease for Africans whereas the ones who gave them this religion don't even abuse it to the extent that Africans do.

Now when a religion says something about a specific lifestyle, people just follow blindly without questioning it. How do you believe something without questioning it?. To me that's gullibility.

I believe if a religion says something about something it should be reasoned first to check if It actually makes sense. And that's why I had to define Reasoning first like I did above. 

A specific religion forbids people from wearing anything that has to do with a particular colour. The religion states that anything Red or white is evil. We all know Red stands for danger and black actually stands for death. That is a common knowledge. That's why when someone dies people wear black to mourn the person. But that doesn't mean people can't wear this color on their day to day activities. We have people that their best colors are red and black.

Now if there's a prove to back up the claim that putting on Red or black will bring evil to a person's life I personally would have yielded and believed it. But there's no prove so far. Instead of people to reason critically before following blindly they actually don't. They just follow through like zombies.

By knowing what is right or wrong has nothing to do with religion to some extent because if you practically do something bad or good your intuition will tell you. You would feel it yourself. 

There's also a religion that states that singing while in the shower is a bad thing. But there isn't any prove to back that up as well. And it bothers me how people put themselves in a box all in the name of religion.

There are so many other instances pertaining to religion and reasoning. Some rules that religion has made doesn't even make sense when you think about them.

Now some religious maniacs would say my spirituality is zero and that's why I think this way. That's why I'm not seeing what they are seeing. Maybe I'm right or wrong I'm glad to have said my piece.

This is the same thing that has made fake pastors have sex with many gullible women. We see clips of churches doing immoralities in the name of religion. Why are the blacks so gullible to fall for cheap deceit from this so call men of God that are definitely happens to be fake. I pray you all wake and have sense one day.

I rest my case.

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Oyewale Akano


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