
October 18th , 2024


Ursula Opoku

A year ago


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True beauty lies both within and without. My beauty philosophy is to take care of the inside of my body just as diligently as the outside. Love and treat your body right and it will love you back. Vaseline lip are always moisturized and glossy. It's the perfect morale booster especially during winter.My beauty is exactly the same as my philosophy on life. Work hard to achieve your goals and then enjoy the results. Basically, you get what you put in. If you want beautiful glowing skin or a healthy body, you need to put in the work, exercise, drink water and stay consistent. Red lipstick is a classic and feminine, yet daring and powerful. Beauty does not have to be expensive. Luxury brands are great but if you look harder, you can find effective, affordable products. Eg: sunscreen. It's protects your skin from UV rays, prevents premature ageing of the skin and helps maintain an even skin tone.

Beauty to me means being comfortable in your own skin. What makes someone beautiful is confidence, finding strength in flaws, and feeling good. If you have that power and harness your beauty through confidence, it will be visible to everyone around you and you will feel the difference. Beauty does not have to be expensive. Luxury brands are great but if you look harder, you can find effective, affordable products. Eg: sunscreen. It's protects your skin from Uvrays, prevents premature ageing of the skin and helps maintain an even skin tone.

Beauty to me means being comfortable in your own skin. What makes someone beautiful is confidence, finding strength in flaws, and feeling good. If you have that power and harness your beauty through confidence, it will be visible to everyone around you and you will feel the difference.

Beauty is a state of mental, physical and spiritual contentment. A healthy body, mind and soul shines through a happy human being. Beauty should be simple yet effective. My main objective is to show my audience that you don't need an entire professional make-up artist's kit to achieve a professional make-up finish. Think outside the box and make your product multifunctional. True beauty is epitomised by being yourself, being authentic and taking ownership of uniqueness.

Meet the Author

Ursula Opoku

Content writer

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