2 years ago
There is a popular and an important quote that says; "He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything. Let' s build wellness rather than treat diseases, because a healthy outside always starts from the inside. It is our health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver".
As humans, we must focus on building and maintaining good health at all times; and we can only do that by following all the laws of nature, which includes; eating healthy and well balanced food, and also heeding to the precious advice from the Lord Almighty, which says; " . . . Behold, I have given you every herb- bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food".
God again advised us through various chapters in the Bible, to used plants, seeds and herbs for our physical, emotional and even spiritual curative care. Some of the quotations includes; 2 Kings 20: 7, Psalm 51: 7, Psalm 45: 8, Psalms 104: 14, Genesis 43: 11, Exodus 12: 8, and many more.
According to experts, when we form the habit of consuming herbs and general plant products, it goes a long way to help prevent and manage many human diseases, including the major human problems like heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, blood clots and provide anti- inflammatory and anti- tumour properties.
As we have learned from experts, and the elderly; every single plant has it own unique property, and healing power. This means every tree or plant that is seen around us, got its own medicinal power, and we can only realize that, when we visits the people who are specialized in herbs and treatments.
So; if we were given all these plants for food, and to use for keeping our lives very strong, healthy and going, then we must make it our duty to take very good care of our environments, and the plants around us.
There are many harms that we as humans use to do to our environments and the plants around us; and the most common and very dangerous ones are continues bush burning, spraying the bushes with dangerous chemicals; and the very common one. . . urinating on plants here and there.
According to science, though the Human urine provides an excellent supply of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium; and other traces of vital elements, important for plants growth; the excess of urine in the soil can introduce thigh levels of toxic nutrient into the soil; and these can kill the plant as seen in the case of urine fertilizer".
In the case of herbalists and spiritualists, urinating on plants is not only bad for the plants; but also very dangerous for the human life.
According to spiritualists and herbalists, the things of plants are not just physical, but spiritual. This is because all the plants that we see around us have spiritual properties; and during the herbal healing processes, the plants attacks the human problems both physically and spiritually.
These spiritual and traditional herbal experts therefore warned that, urinating on plants, could lead to spiritual attacks from the plant, unto to the human health. For example: Herbalists have warned; that when a person urinate on a plant that has the abilities the cure gonorrhea, that plant could spiritually infect the person with gonorrhea, which will manifest in reality.
Again; according to herbalists, some of the problems people have been facing, could be traced to this habit of urinating indiscriminately on leaves and plants.
With these few but very important examples, it is very important, that we stop the habits of urinating on plant, and form a new habit of treating every plant with care and respect; because plants are our lives and future health.
There is a very important saying that goes; " If the last tree or plant dies, the last human also dies"; with these, it is very important for us to ensure, that we keep our environment clean, and also make sure we grow more trees and plants, to help ensure the continues survival of the human race.
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