
October 5th , 2024


Queen Fynn

A year ago


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      Nothing hurts the most than seeing your phone's screen crack before your own very eyes. Has anyone experienced that before? This is one of the unluckiest things that can ever happen to anyone. 

A person starts to experience a whole lot of emotions rushing through the body when this happens especially if you barely used the phone. There are different reactions but there is this very common and evident feeling expressed; the sad mood. No Matter how hard a person tries to hide their emotion, there'd be no way anyone will miss the sad state of the victim. Those who could hardly hide theirs will more often than not cry. Some people also express their frustration through anger. They get angry at anyone and anything without cause. Others even relive that moment over and over imagining what they could have done to prevent that misfortune. Not to talk of those who experience panic attack. That should tell you how serious it is to be in that situation. 

Unluckiest is the person without a phone protector. His plight is on a whole different level. Emotionally damaged will it be. A lot of people may have one way or the other experienced this. It could be as a result of the victim's negligence or just an accident, any of these ways is still heartbreaking enough. 

This usually happens as a result of our attachment to our phones. Our phones become our world and having them break in front of us is like seeing your whole world crushing into pieces before your very eyes. Not exaggerating, but some commit the unthinkable because of this same phone crack issue. It will be hard to believe if you've never experienced it.

Where is the money to purchase another phone? To fix the screen is as hard as purchasing a new one. Screens of phones breaking or cracking should not be something a person should wish for another because it can have a lot of negative vibes on a person's emotions than you can imagine.

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Queen Fynn


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