
May 17th , 2024


Saint Rose

A year ago


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Verse Of A Contemplative person, [11/23/2019 7:22 AM]



Wide opened eyes with the language of affection,

Lit up face with dull seared hair.

Her grin is all above,

Also, her affection is so fair.

I have no words to communicate the affection for you,

One thing I guarantee; I will continuously with you.

Regardless of how far as I live, how long as I live,

You will be in my heart until the end of time.

Every single second of my life,

You will be in my heart.

Until the final gasp of my life,

I will be here to call you my dear.

Shed, shed, let the tears of adoration flood,

Furthermore, let me wipe with my heart and blood.

I see you through my spirit,

I feel you through my heart.

The miserable sensations of mine, dissipate with your words and insightful.

Dear my dear, remain with me close to;

Furthermore, make me alive!

Verse Of A Loner, [11/23/2019 9:30 PM]


William Wordsworth

I meandered desolate as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and slopes,

At the point when at the same time I saw a group,

A host, of brilliant daffodils;

Alongside the lake, underneath the trees,

Rippling and moving in the breeze.

Nonstop as the stars that sparkle

What's more, sparkle on the smooth way,

They extended in endless line

Along the edge of a narrows:

10,000 saw I initially,

Throwing their heads in energetic dance.

The waves adjacent to them moved; yet they

Out-did the shining waves in joy:

A writer couldn't yet be gay,

In such a carefree organization:

I looked — and looked — yet little thought,

What abundance the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my sofa I lie

In empty or in meditative mind-set,

They streak upon that internal eye

Which is the rapture of isolation;

And afterward my heart with delight fills,

Also, hits the dance floor with the daffodils.For oft, when on my sofa I lie

In empty or in meditative mind-set,

They streak upon that internal eye

Which is the rapture of isolation;

And afterward my heart with delight fills,

Also, hits the dance floor with the daffodils.

Meet the Author

Saint Rose

Content writer

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