
May 20th , 2024



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There are lots of thing to consider when taking your photographs. It says a lot about how proffessional you are in the field. I'm going to be dropping tips on things to know and also look out for when taking your pictures. I won't be teaching how to use a proffessional camera in this article but you can wait for my next article to find that out.

  Image making is life as we all know. Photography helps to keep memories whether good ones or bad ones. Photography is history in itself. Therefore we need Photography in our lives. Let me start by highlighting the basic things to watch out for when taking a Photograph.





1. Picture Balance

   To take a picture you have to look out for the space on all sides. The space on the left must be too much compared to the left. The space at the buttom must be moderate with the space at the top. The object that you're trying to take the picture must be centralised. For instance 👇🏽..

This picture is an example of how a picture should be taken. It should be right in the middle and bold enough to see.

Also  your hands must not shake while taking a picture. Your hands has to be firm for the picture to not come out blurry. Also make sure your camera captures and shows on the screen before leaving your position.


The weather is an important factor to consider when taking pictures outdoor. The setting that can be used to control weather on a proffessional camera is called "APERTURE".

  The Aperture function on a proffessional camera works for the weather. The random setting of Aperture for a normal weather is (5.6). However it must be adjusted if the weather is cloudy or too sunny. Setting the right figure of Aperture clears the confusion as to what time of the day the picture was taken. Set your Aperture right.


The outcome of the picture you took should speak of quality. There are functions on a proffessional camera you need to be mindful of. The setting that controls quality is called the "ISO". What is the job of the ISO really. ISO setting can 200, 400, 800 or 1600. 200 and 400 are the best quality one can ask for. It brings out the sharpness of the picture you take. This two figures can be use during the day but can only be used in the night if there are lots of lights available when taking your picture. 800 & 1600 are mostly used in the night in the absence of light. But no matter how you try to tweak the settings on a camera this two figures will bring noise to the picture you take. Epecially if there are not enough lights when taking the picture.


How beautiful your picture will appear depends on the amount of lights at your disposal. Light does a lot of effort in the outcome of the picture you take. 

  There's also a setting on the camera called "SPEED". So what does speed works for? Speed works for anything in motion. If you want to take picture of anything in motion the speed should be at 250 or more. Examples of things in motion in case you're lost. A moving car, footballers on the pitch, a rolling fan and so on.

  Speed also works for how bright or dark your pictures appear. All you have to do is adjust the speed to where you find yourself taking your picture both indoor or outdoor.

There are still other functions but I'll stop here for now. Wait for more in my next article. Thanks for reading

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Oyewale Akano


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