
March 19th , 2025


Saint Rose

2 years ago


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2 years ago

Sam Scrawls, [8/9/2018 5:27 PM]
For the awful and the upside.
For the tears and the grins.
For the aggravation and the help.
For the hard and the simple.
For the life and for the passing.
For hell's sake, and the disdain.

You were consistently here and I realize you'll continuously remain.

#Draft 3


Sam Scrawls, [8/10/2018 6:26 PM]
An outsider among the group..

Whose little hands held the force of seniors.

Whose delicate heart could be hard as dimonds yet in addition as clear.

whose youthful soul was much more savvy than the large numbers years old ones.

Whose grin concealed the tears of distress behind a little circumnavigated outline.

What's more, experienced the more abnormal, consistently and night.

Seeing the light and the dim

The great and the malevolence

Considering on what side ought to be taken....

#Draft 4

Date: 20-05-2018

Sam Scrawls, [8/11/2018 6:35 PM]
A phantom of a grin went through her drained face as she saw the fire, sparkling and sparkling like the sun in the sky on a warm summer day.

Also, she ran over wanting to get even the brief look at heat for her chilly feet. In any case, above all, for her chilled heart.

#Draft 5


Sam Scrawls, [8/11/2018 6:39 PM]
The main thing she put confidence in was science.

"Science can do supernatural occurrences, science can tackle all that and demonstrate anything," she generally said.

However, when science had no fix, no response for her, she  joined her hands to her heart and wound up confronting the sky bowing by his bed, wanting for him to improve, wishing her twin won't leave his sister desolate.

That was the point at which her generally harsh face loose and her eyes teared, as she understood she was wishing from a more prominent presence, an existance she won't ever have confidence in.

#Draft 6


Sam Scrawls, [8/15/2018 1:43 PM] So I will go through this tropical storm in a debilitating vortex to track down the eye.

I will track down the eye...

Also, there I'll be protected. There, I'll track down myself, cheerful in the midst of the spinning tear

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Saint Rose

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