
March 9th , 2025


Queen Fynn

2 years ago


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     Very recently, this topic has become a cliché and as a result lost the impact it should be having on the world today. Our world has become so much  sex saturated to the extent that whenever anyone raises the topic of abstinence, such a person is viewed as belonging to the age of the forefathers. Nonetheless, it is so clear that the cessure of propagating the dangers of premarital sex is the reason our world is in this state of haphazardness in almost every form. Sex may be nice but there are so many reasons to make one rethink of engaging in it at the wrong time.  Below are five reasons why we as a youth and nation will have to put a stop to engaging in premarital sexual acts.

 SPIRITUAL IMPLICATIONS: First of all, this is the major reason we all need to put an end to any form of sexual act outside the confines of marriage. Sex must be viewed not only as a physical act, but firstly as a spiritual binding of two spirits. This act comes with a lot of complications and even includes the merging of ancestral curses, ties, battles and fears of the people involved. That is why God instituted sex for married people;  people who have decided to stay yoked together and face whatever befalls them as a unit. Some people start feeling super connected after sex even when everyone around you sees a toxic relationship.  That's because there has being a spiritual oneness. A spiritual  yoking of two incompatible persons. Why do some chase their exes even after marriage? Spiritual fusion has occurred.  It's no wonder to see the world in a state of battle, toxic relationships and youthful lives being wasted. What were we expecting if the vast majority of the world's population keep indulging in sexual immorality and premarital sex?

IT'S YOUR PRIDE:  A lot of people feel bad when they are not giving their boyfriends or girlfriends sex and I wonder the reasons behind those feelings. It amounts to self-respect and dignity if you both decide to help each other to stay anti-sexual until marriage. It honours both partners. It sets your relationship apart. Do you know why a lot of people start regretting their actions  especially if that person was  a "tear rubber"? The pain of losing what made you confident. There is a belief that sexuallly active youth are bold and brave, this is actually false. A lot of these people are  broken, shattered and discarded within if you all will be honest. The feeling after premarital sex is not powerful, it is weakening and you can not get away from the disappointments deep  in your souls. These are signs you're making the wrong decisions.

IT IS SINFUL IN GOD'S EYE:  This is the part of the conversation on premarital sex that no one wants to hear. Premarital sex is not right in God's eyes. He doesn't want that for our lives because he knows the spiritual attachments of these actions on mankind. Besides, according to human intelligence, we are all aware of the fact that sleeping with someone you're not yet married to is wrong, so how much more in the sights of God. Will you as a father be happy to catch a man in bed with your daughter? What will you as a mother tell your sexuallly active child who is not yet married? Do you think as a father, you would have acted in the manner you did if your daughter was married to that man? What about you as a mother, do you think you'd be saying the same words to your daughter if she was in her  husband's house  and sleeping with him? In the same way, God is letting us know that there's time for everything and that sex is a time for married couples.

Disobedience to that is what he deems wrong and sinful. 

PHYSICAL CONSEQUENCES:  This is the obvious point. Engaging in premarital sex comes with all sort of dangers, health, emotional, psychological and ends up becoming suicidal.  A lot of the youth today are dying because of premature sex. Lust rears its head whenever two people decide to be in love. There's a stage where their supposed love will turn into lust and it takes self control to cut off the head of lust. With some, the basis for their relationship is already lust and with such relationships, it takes the mercies of God to keep one of them alive after the break up. Lust has introduced different STIs to our youth. Pregnancies unplanned and its associated abortions and death are uncountable. Unplanned parenthood and misplaced opportunities are all resulting issues. Not to mention the  unnecessary divorce rate due to comparison of the performances of ex sex partners in marriages. The almighty 'broha' (brokenheart) saga. These are real happenings in the world today just because we are refusing to obey the principle of " Sex and its appointed Time". 

PEACE OF MIND:  Dating is just a stage of a relationship, it's not the real deal and so your peace of mind should be your concern. The fact that, you say you're  inlove with someone should really make you want to save yourself from the unnecessary topsy turveys of premarital sense. Enjoy love in decent ways that will attract admiration and the Glory of God to you, instead of shame, stigma and regrets. Do you know what's funny, you could have done the same act and even with the same person and would have had different reactions from the same people and from the same environment. That is what makes marriage different from dating spiritually and physically.

    Sex just like I said earlier, may be good, but considering the above and even much more  detailed implications of premarital sex, do you really think it's worth it? Do you think a few minutes of pleasure is worth battling life long battles and its affiliated issues? 

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Queen Fynn


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