
May 19th , 2024



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In the Catholic Church, the process of declaring someone a saint is called canonization.The canonization process involves several steps, including:

The word "canonization" comes from the Greek word kanon, which means rule or standard.

    1. Servant of God: The first step towards canonization is declaring the person a "Servant of God." This is typically done by the bishop of the diocese where the person lived.

     2. second step is declaring the person "Venerable." To be declared venerable, the Catholic Church investigates the person's life to see if they demonstrated "heroic virtues." This means they lived a life of exceptional goodness, virtue, and holiness.

    3. Beatification: The next step is beatification, which is declaring the person "Blessed." To be beatified, the Catholic Church must confirm that the person performed a miracle through their intercession (i.e., their prayers). A miracle is an event that cannot be explained by natural causes and is seen as a sign of God's intervention.

    4. Canonization: The final step is canonization, which is declaring the person a saint. To be canonized, the Catholic Church must confirm a second miracle attributed to the person's intercession. Canonization is the formal declaration that the person is a saint and is worthy of veneration by the Church.

The process of canonization is complex and can take many years, if not centuries. The Church investigates the person's life, writings, and reputation to ensure that they are worthy of canonization. The process also involves the examination of miracles attributed to the person's intercession.

The process of canonization is typically initiated by the bishop of the diocese where the person lived, or by a religious order or community to which the person belonged. Once the process is initiated, the person is referred to as a "Servant of God," and their life is investigated to determine if they lived a life of heroic virtue.

If the person is found to have lived a life of heroic virtue, they may be declared "Venerable." To be beatified, the Church must confirm that the person performed a miracle. Finally, to be canonized, the Church must confirm a second miracle attributed to the person's intercession.

Overall, the process of canonization is a way for the Catholic Church to recognize and celebrate individuals who have lived lives of exceptional holiness and virtue. These saints serve as role models and inspirations for Catholics around the world.

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Joseph Molonaa

Blogger, website developer and graphics designer

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