
February 11th , 2025


Kobby Junior

A year ago


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On Friday,14 of April,2023, The academic affairs and examination committee members of the Cape Coast Technical University merged with the university students in at the building auditorium of the school and demystified before the students populace the do and the dont of the school pertaining to especially crucial moment like the exams period and the implications when fail to adhere to them respectively.

Below are some core points the examination committee hammered on.

Examination Rules and Regulations

The following rules and regulations in addition to those contained in the Statutes, the Students Handbook, Laws, Regulations, Rules, Policies, Guidelines, Notices, Instructions, Letters, etc of CCTU and in those prescribed by the Commission for Technical and Vocational Education and Training shall govern the conduct


Cape Coast Technical University Students Handbook

of examinations in the Cape Coast Technical University.

It is the duty of a Student of Cape Coast Technical University to acquaint himself or herself with these rules and regulations and also conform to them accordingly.

(1) Eligibility to write examination

A candidate shall be eligible to write an examination in Cape

Coast Technical University if:

(a) He/she has registered and followed a course as a regular stu- dent and has not absented himself/herself for more than the equivalent of three weeks contact hours for the course.

(b) He/she has taken part in all internal assessment tests for the registered course (s).

(c) He/she is not rusticated, suspended, dismissed or debarred from Cape Coast Technical University.

(2) Examination venues and seating arrangements

(a) All Cape Coast Technical University examinations will take place at approved venues indicated on the final time-table. It is the duty of candidates to consult the time-table and ascertain the papers to be written each day, the venue as well as the time.

(b) It would be the sole responsibility of the Quality Assurance and or the Academic section of Cape Coast Technical University to seat candidates in the various examination venues for all exam- inations.

(c) Change in examination venues shall first be approved by the Directorate of Academic Affairs and shall be communicated to the candidates as well as invigilators via memoranda, notices, directives, instructions, etc.

(3) Students identity cards and registration numbers

(a) Identity cards of students will be inspected during examina-

tions. Candidates are therefore requested to display their stu-


Cape Coast Technical University Students Handbook

dent identity cards on their tables for inspection by examina-

tion officers.

(b) Candidates who have misplaced their identity cards should re-

port to the head of examination section for replacement before

the commencement of examinations.

(c) Candidates who do not have Cape Coast Technical University

identity cards will not be allowed to take part in any examina- tion in the University.

(4) Entering and leaving examination rooms

(a) Candidates should make themselves available at the examina- tion venue at least 30 minutes before the commencement of any paper. Candidates who report 15 minutes after the com- mencement of a paper may not be permitted to take part in the examination. However, the invigilator may allow such candi- dates to take part in the examination if the invigilator is satis- fied with the reasons for the lateness. This must be reported to the Director of Academic Affairs Directorate in writing.

(b) Candidates admitted late will not be allowed extra time for the paper. They must stop at the appointed time with the other can- didates.

(c) Candidates should be seated in the examination room at least 15 minutes before the start of the examination. This is to enable candidates to seat themselves according to the seating plan be- fore the question papers are distributed.

(d) Candidates shall not bring into the examination room any books, papers, bags, mobile phones, programmable calculators alarm watches and any written information in any form or any unathorised material or device of any nature.

(e) The invigilator has the delegated authority to search candidates before they are allowed entry into the examination room.


(f) No student shall enter the examination room until he/she is in- vited, called or requested to enter the examination room. The invigilator may search a candidate who is suspected of hiding unauthorized material. Refusal to comply with a search by an invigilator constitutes an examination offence and misconduct.

(g) Candidates may be allowed by the invigilator to leave the ex- amination room temporarily upon request. An attendant desig- nated by the invigilator should accompany the candidate.

(h) It is the responsibility of the invigilator to ensure that the can- didate does not abuse the permission granted him/her by way of cheating.

(i) Candidates should spend a minimum of 30 minutes in the ex- amination room before submitting their examination scripts/ answer booklets.

(j) However, candidates leaving the examination room before the end of the examination must not be allowed to take the question papers with them. Similarly, no candidate should be permitted to leave the examination room during the last 15 minutes of the examination.

(k) A candidate who completes an examination ahead of the al- lotted time and intends to leave the examination room shall in- form the invigilator who shall collect the answer booklet before the candidate is permitted to leave.

(l) Candidates who fall ill in the examination room should inform the invigilator for the appropriate action to be taken.

(5) Procedures during examination

(a) Candidates must ensure that they sign the examination atten- 17

Cape Coast Technical University Students Handbook

Cape Coast Technical University Students Handbook

dance sheet/register. Candidates are required to carefully read the instructions on the answer booklets as well as the question paper (s). They must also ensure that the following details are entered on the answer booklets as well as supplementary sheets used, if any:

a. Correct index or registration number;

b. Title of paper;

c. Date of examination.

(b) Candidates should not tear off any part of the answer book- let. All used and unused answer booklets should be submitted to the invigilator before the candidates leave the examination room. Rough work must be done in the answer booklets and neatly crossed out to show that it is not part of the answer.

(c) Each candidate shall provide for himself or herself and his or her exclusive use examination materials such as pen, pencil, eraser, ruler and calculator for the examination.

(d) Borrowing of other candidates materials shall not be enter- tained in the examination room. It is the responsibility of the candidates to ensure that they are given the right question paper and other material (s) required for the examination.

(e) Under no circumstance should a candidate write his/her name on any part of the answer booklet provided. Candidates are required to use only their index numbers throughout the ex- amination. Unless otherwise instructed, candidates are to sit according to their index numbers for all written examination papers.

(f) There shall be no verbal, or any other form of communication.

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Kobby Junior

Blogger/Procurement officer

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