
March 4th , 2025



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The Global Youth Climate Training Programme 2023 is now accepting applications. The training will start on May 3, 2023, and will last 13 fortnightly sessions. It will address significant issues of debate and negotiation within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The program will provide adolescents with the knowledge and tools they need to participate in the UNFCCC system.

Several Oxford Net Zero scholars, as well as researchers and practitioners from around the world, will be lecturing on the curriculum. The program has been purposefully designed to prioritize expert perspectives from the Global South on climate challenges. There will be participatory activities in each session. A technical presentation by important global climate specialists will be followed by a testimonial from a climate justice movement young speaker.

The curriculum covers the areas of active negotiation at the UNFCCC. It was built by consulting 180 young climate justice activists who gave their input on what they most wanted training on.

The course covers a wide range of topics including: Climate Justice, Adaptation and Resilience, Climate Finance, Business & Non-state Actors, Climate Policy, Energy, Nature, Gender and Climate Change, Indigenous Rights and Climate Change, Climate Litigation and Negotiations Inside COP28. The organisers will be periodically releasing the outcomes and insights gained from the interactive sessions, as chapters of a comprehensive handbook, in order to share their collective knowledge and progress with a wider audience.

Global Youth Climate Training Programme Cost

  • In order to make this course as accessible as possible, the course is free of charge. The joint ONZ-GYC team are also working to deliver live translation in several languages, and will have interventions from experts in languages other than English. Sessions are recorded to allow for maximum participation across time zones.

Global Youth Climate Training Programme Eligibility

  • Open to anyone under 35 engaged in the climate movement.
  • Previous experience in UNFCCC processes or climate discussions is not required.
  • Applicants should note that they also do not need to be planning to attend COP28 to apply.

Global Youth Climate Training Programme Application

Applications are open until April 30, 2023 at 11:59 UTC. Late applications will be disqualified.

Deadline: April 30, 2023

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