
July 7th , 2024


Ezra Boachie

A year ago


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A year ago

The Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) is the most lofty football competition in Africa, displaying the gifts and interests of the landmass' finest players and groups. Since its beginning in 1957, the biennial occasion has filled in size, degree, and effect, demonstrating the variety and dynamism of African football and culture. Facilitating AFCON isn't just a question of dignity and glory for the selected country, but also a test of its foundation, security, and friendliness.

Photo: African Cup of nations 

For the upcoming AFCON in 2025, Ghana has expressed interest in being the host country. This is following its past effective facilitation of competition in 1963 and 2008. Ghana, otherwise called the Black Stars, is quite possibly the most impressive group in African football. They have won AFCON multiple times and reached the FIFA World Cup quarter-finals in 2010. Ghana has a rich history and culture, with different scenes, cooking styles, and customs that captivate and rouse guests from everywhere.

Notwithstanding, this has yet to be addressed: will Ghana host AFCON 2025? The response isn't straightforward, as it relies upon different variables, for example, the preparation of Ghana's arenas, lodgings, air terminals, streets, and safety efforts, as well as the endorsement of the Confederation of African Football (CAF), which is the overseeing group of African football and liable for choosing the host country.

Photo: CAF

As of September 2021, when my insight cutoff was set, Ghana had presented its bid for AFCON 2025. Ghana had been shortlisted as one of the expected up-comers, alongside Algeria, Egypt, and Sudan. A final decision on the host nation was supposed to be reported in 2022, after the CAF review group assessed the offers. In any case, because of Coronavirus pandemic and other calculated difficulties, the declaration might be deferred or changed.

The possibilities of Ghana hosting AFCON 2025 are both promising and overwhelming. From one viewpoint, Ghana has strong foundation of football culture, foundation, and experience, which can work with the preparation and execution of Ghana has six arenas that meet the base requirements of CAF, specifically Accra Sports Arena, Baba Yara Sports Arena, Cape Coast Sports Arena, Essipong Sports Arena, Len Mud Arena, and Tamale Sports Arena, with plans to revamp and update them. Ghana has a fair organization of lodgings, cafés, and vacation destinations that can meet the needs and interests of fans and guests. Moreover, Ghana has a stable politics world and a cordial and inviting mentality towards outsiders. This can improve the image and notoriety of the nation and lift its travel industry.

Photo: Ghana Football Association 

Ghana faces difficulties and vulnerabilities that could hamper its success at AFCON 2025. One of the significant difficulties is the expense of facilitating, which could derail the financial plan and strain the public funds. Ghana might have to put vigorously into the framework and coordinated operations of the competition, for example, assembling new arenas, overhauling air terminals, and further developing safety efforts, which could require a long time to finish and include complex dealings and coordinated efforts with private and public partners. Besides, Ghana might face competition and analysis from other African nations that try to host AFCON. This might prompt questions and tensions inside the CAF and among fans and the media.

Photo: Ghanaian fans

All in all, whether Ghana will host AFCON 2025 is not yet clear, as the choice depends upon different variables and conditions that are beyond the control of any individual or organization. Ghana has a real case and wants to have the competition, but it also needs to show its ability and obligation to fulfill the guidelines and assumptions for CAF and the football local area.

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Ezra Boachie


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