
May 21st , 2024


Osei Gabriel

A year ago


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A Nigerian filmmaker and politician known as Yetunde is currently going viral on social media over a video she posted asserting that, she attended the United Nations meeting in Geneva Switzerland. The politician who posted a video of herself speaking at the said gathering added the caption 

“Today at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. Never been this nervous in my life I didn’t know I was going to speak until the program started so I had to put this together fast. I am grateful for this experience “. 

Alerting her followers at the meeting, the followers who did not believe her assertions even tho she posted a video to prove her point to the comments section making fun of her, others revealed that, per the video, it seems she is the only one present there. The comments kept coming in and as it stands, the video has gathered over 700k plus views with over 9 million impressions.

A few of the comments gathered are highlighted below;

@bheyeh • 

“You didn't know you were going to speak at odindin United Nations. Even if you don't rate yourself, at least rate the UN. Also, why do people lie unprovoked?”.

@mojiak • 

“This is why they tell intelligent youth to have louder voices. It's incoherent people like this that go out of their way to get their foot in the door. They're the ones getting grants and opportunities. But no opinion strong enough to not check her phone before speaking”.


“If there were other people in the hall, I'm willing to bet that she and her camera person are vain enough to capture the "entire audience" This low-level attempt at deception is an insult to the average Nigerian's intelligent”.


“I don't understand all the discouraging comments. if

we see a young person taking a leadership position,

shouldn't we rally around her and support her? We

keep complaining about bad leadership, but when

we see a fresh mind rising to the challenge, we tear

her down. or is there something I'm missing?”.

Edwards • 

“Wait, let me get this right. You were so nervous to

give a speech to yourself? What will happen if there were real people present?”.

Meet the Author

Osei Gabriel


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