A year ago
8 Reasons why I NEVER Argue with my girlfriend.
People today have wierd misconceptions about relationships.
One of them is that arguements are part of a relationship. ?
This is not true.
It’s normal to get disappointed with your woman from time to time, but arguing with her is useless and actually makes things worse.
1. Women are not Deductive Problem solvers.
You see,
When men argue, its usually with the sole intention of finding a solution/conclusion to something
Females argue for diff reasons;
-Settle scores
-Humiliate their opponent
-Feel validated
That is why she will keep arguing even when she knows she is wrong.
Its also why girls haul the most unspeakable insults in arguements.
2. Arguing with your wife/girlfriend is a waste of time and energy.
9 times out of 10, arguing with a girl does not help the situation.
Its a waste of time.
Do something else
Go lift some weights.
Put that time into your hustle
Time is of the essence.
3. Females don’t understand logic.
Females are not logical beings.
They are emotional beings.
Men are the logical ones.
Trying to reason logically with a woman is like trying to squeeze water from a rock.
4. You Lose your FRAME
Women are biologically designed to test their man’s ‘frame’ from time to time.
She has to be sure that she placed a bet on a strong man
You have to stay firm, in control and be the leader.
Arguing makes you appear weak
5. You lose her RESPECT-
Women know that they are arguementative.
They also know that we are not.
Arguing with her signals that she can push you around at will.
There is nothing that disgusts women more than a man who can not stand his ground.
6. If anything happens, you bear the consequences.
The law in the west is 100% biased against men
If it ever gets physical, even if she hits you first, mutiple times, you are fried.
protect yourself and stay away from violence.
7. Women are addicted to drama
Women cannot live without drama.
They watch serial killer documentaries to ‘relax’
If you start arguing with her, you are involving yourself in her own drama; that she made up in her head.
You dont have to.
8. They have a Hormonal Cycle
Women are slaves to their emotions. They cant control it.
The way they react to things largely depends on their hormonal cycle, which even scientists dont fully understand.
Alot of male energy today is wasted in female arguements.
Do not entertain arguementative females in your life.
Let your girl have her dramas, but ensure that the boundaries are not crossed.
Explain things in a simple, loving manner, but always be ready and willing to walkout if she proofs hard headed.
Respect is not negotiable.
Thanks for reading!
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