
February 11th , 2025


Heleen News

A year ago


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A year ago

Studies: Yams improve brain function and ease thesymptoms of menopause 

 study by (Chandrasekara and Kumar, 2016) explained that ji(Dioscorea) is a type of tuber vegetable from Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. Today, about 95% of it is grown in Africa. The legend says that yams got their name from the Fulani word (a language spoken in Guinea, West Africa) nyami, which means "to eat".

Yams have white, yellow, purpleor pink flesh. In Ghana, there are many types of white ji, but the most important are Puna, Lariboko, Denteh (Punjo), Asanaand Araba. 

The color depends on the qualification of the wearer.White fruits are high in potassium, while yellow, orange, and purple fruits are full of antioxidants, healthycarbohydrates, and vitamins. They have many health benefits. For example, they are a source of resistant fiber, which makes them a good food choice for digestion and weight loss. Yams help prevent blood sugar spikesafter a heavy meal. In addition, they have many other qualities that make them healthy. 

Popular types:

Indian Yam (D. trifida) 

 or watercress (D. alata) 

Guinea yam (D. environment) 

Yellow Guinea yam (D. cayenensis) 

 (D. esculenta) 

Chinese yam (D. polystachya), also known as cinnamon tree 

Yam Food Facts 

Yams are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, one cup (136 grams) of this recipe provides: 

Calories: 158 

 37 grams 

Protein: 2 grams 

Fat: 0 grams 

Fiber: 5 grams 

Vitamin C: 18% of the daily value (DV) 

Vitamin B5: 9% of the DV 

Manganese: 22% of the DV 

Magnesium: 6% of the DV 

Potassium: 19% of the DV 

Thiamine: 11% of the DV 

Copper: 23% DV 

Folate: 6% DV 

Two studies (Weaver, C.M, 2013; Aschner and Dorman, 2006) also revealed that besides being rich in fiber, it is also rich in potassium and manganese, which play an important role in health, growth, metabolism, and heart function. . Yams also provide significant amounts of other micronutrients, such as copper and vitamin C. For example,four studies (Collins and Klevay, 2011; National Academy of Sciences (USA) and National Research Council (USA)Division of Medical Sciences. Hemoglobin Conference: May 2-3, 1957. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1958; Padayatty et al, 2003; Chambial et al. 2013) found that copper plays an important role in the production of red blood cells and iron absorption, on the other hand, vitamin C works as a powerful antioxidant that can boost the immune system. Yams, Science 

 brain function 

Research has
 linked the consumption of ji to brain support. For example, a 12-week study by Tohda et al. (2017) used respondents who took a yam extract supplement and found that they recorded higher brain function tests compared to a placebo group. The reason the participants achieved such high brain activity is due to a specific compound in yams called diosgenin, which promotesneuron growth and stimulatesbrain activity. 

In animal studies (Chiu et al, 2011), diosgenin has been shown to improve memory and learning ability in mice in various tests. Studies are still ongoing to investigate how eating improves brain health. 


Research has
 also been done on its use and found that it reducessome of the symptoms of menopause. For example (Wu et al. 2015), used a 30-day study, where 24 postmenopausal women stopped eating normal rice and focused on eating yams in two out of three meals (390 grams)per day. The study found that their blood levels of estrone and estradiol increased by 26% and 27%, respectively. 

Two studies (Santoro et al. 2015; Peacock et al. 2022) found that during menopause, blood levels of estrone and estradiol - two estrogen hormones - naturally decrease. So anything that helps restoreestrogen levels can ease menopausal symptoms and yams do just that. 

The first
 clinical trial by Komesaroff et al. (2011) conducted over a six-month period found that topically applied wild cream had lesseffect on menopausalsymptoms, such as facialflushing and night sweats, compared to placebo. However, further studies are underway to prove that yams can play a rolein reducing menopausalsymptoms.

Yams, an anti-cancer agent 

Research has
 been done to establish the anti-cancer potential of ji. For example, two studies (Hou et al. 2002; Son et al. 2014) found that foods containing many antioxidants may have anti-cancerproperties. For example, two animal studies (Son et al. 2014; Shin et al. 2012) found that a high-fat diet significantly reduced the number of tumors. One way to find it is to reduce the growth of the intestine associated with antioxidants. This means that the more we eat, the more we are protected from cancer. 

In addition to
 animal studies, two test-tube studies (Liu et al. 2016; Chiu et al. 2013) also found that Chinese extracts, especially peel, inhibited the growth of liver tumors and improved antioxidant properties. More studies are needed to show its effect on humans. 


Research has
 also shown that compounds in yams can reduceinflammation. For example,three studies (Kolb and Mandrup-Poulsen, 2010; Pearson et al. 2003; Gregor and Hotamisligil, 2011) found that chronic inflammation increasesthe risk of many diseases,including heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Therefore, human studies have shown that eating yams as an anti-inflammatory food can help prevent chronic inflammation (Casas et al. 2014; Koloverou et al. 2012).

In addition,
 four studies on rats(Son et al. 2014; Chiu et al. 2013; Park et al. 2013; Chen et al. 2017) found that yam powder reduced inflammation associated with many diseases,such as colon cancer, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and stomach ulcers. Yams, blood sugar control 

Studies have also shown that eating ji can support blood sugar levels. 

For example, in one study (Go et al. 2015), rats were given yam powder or liquid and reduced fasting blood glucose and hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) levels, juxtaposed to a control group.HbA1c is a measure of long-term blood sugar control. Another study (Helen et al. 2013) found that the rats that were given the purple colored figures had reduced appetite, obesity and good blood sugar control, juxtaposed to thecontrol group. In addition,another study in rats (Harijono & Endang, 2016) found that the addition of yam flour reduced blood sugar levels, leading to better blood sugar control. These effects are attributed to the resistant starch and fiber used. Birt et al. (2013) explained that resistant starch passes through your stomach without being digested. This type of starch has been linked to various health benefits, including reduced appetite, andimproved blood sugar and insulin sensitivity. 

Other benefits 

Yams are associated with manyother health benefits, including: 

Digestive health 

Two studies (Li et al. 2019; Chen et al. 2003) found that resistors 

The starch
 in yam can stimulatedigestive enzymes that help break down food and increase the number of good bacteria in your gut. Weight loss 

 animal study (Harijono &Endang, 2016) found that extracting water reduces food intake, which means that these tubers can help reduce appetite and increase weight gain. The fiber in ji can help with weight loss 

loss. Antimicrobial effect 

Two studies (Kelmanson et al. 2000; Kuete et al. 2012) found that yam extract can protect against some drug-resistant bacteria. 

Improved cholesterol levels 

In a study (Wu et al. 2005), women who ate 18 ounces (390 grams) per day for 30 days saw their blood cholesterol levels drop by 6%. 


Yams contain compounds that can be fatal when eaten raw. Always cook foods before eating them, which also makes iteasier to break down their starches. If you are on a low glycemic or low carbohydratediet, limit the amount of vegetables you eat. It is not recommended to fry them or eat a lot of added sugar. Cook, bake or grill them with a littleavocado oil, herbs and spices for eating. Bring it back home 

Research has
 confirmed manybenefits of eating specifically on brain function and menopausehealth. Compared to refined grains, many root vegetables are also low in calories and have a low glycemic index, meaningthey won't raise your blood sugar too much. The fiber in starchy vegetables slows down the release of glucose (sugar), which is important for energy and insulin balance. 

In addition, fiber-rich
 plant foods have been shown to support intestinal health and exhibit other beneficial functions, including anti-carcinogenic, blood-thinning, stimulating, and antioxidant effects. A diet high in fiber not only helps prevent inflammation and disease formation, but also works wonders for aidingdigestion and preventing IBS or relieving constipation.

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Heleen News

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