
May 19th , 2024


Sabina Boateng

12 months ago


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If you are dealing with false edges and hair breakage, this article will help you grow your hair with cloves. Read to the end. First, let's look at the causes of bad edges.

1. Improper method: Failure to use the correct procedure for cutting edges can result in unfortunate edges. For example, using too much tension or not holding the unit in the correct position can warp or warp the edges. 

2. Poor material: If the material used to make the edge is of poor quality, it will not hold up well to cutting and can easily chip or tear. 

3 Curved or Warped Surfaces: If the surface you are cutting is curved or curved, it can be difficult to get a perfectly straight edge. 

4. Lack of engagement: Whether you're new to the latest technology or just curious about the materials and tools you're using, you may struggle to get perfect, straight edges. You need to know how to develop an advantage. Little by little I became a victim until I discovered this recipe. Therefore, cloves have many potential benefits for hair health.

 Here are some ways cloves can benefit your hair.

1. Stimulates hair growth: Cloves contain eugenol, which has been shown to promote hair growth by increasing blood flow to the scalp and stimulating hair follicles.

2. Improves Scalp Health: The antifungal and antibacterial properties of cloves help further promote scalp health by reducing the chances of baldness and dandruff.

3. Add shine: Cloves contain cell boosters that protect hair from damage and help hair be happy or damaged.

4. Reduces hair loss: cloves are known to have astringent properties that help tighten the pores on the scalp and reduce breakage-induced hair loss.

5. Hair condition: Cloves are rich in minerals and nutrients that help keep hair soft and smooth.

Here's how to grow a border with carnations. 

1. Soak the cloves in water for 24 hours until they change colour. The cloves will appear slightly white and the water will appear dark.

2. Pour into a spray bottle and start spraying around the edges. You can also add it to the rest of your hair.

Bonus tip for thick hair: Use *Dark &​​​​​​Lovely's Steam*.

Do not worry. Water does not spoil. 

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Sabina Boateng

Content writer

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