A year ago
A Former drug dealer details how he worked with Pablo Escobar bought GMC-12 At 25
"Pablo Escobar was making close to 800,000 million to 1 billion a day because he was controlling all the networks in the world."
A Former drug dealer details how he worked with Pablo Escobar bought GMC-12 At 25
"Pablo Escobar was making close to 800,000 million to 1 billion a day because he was controlling all the networks in the world."
"He was giving scholarships and taking care of the poor. Pablo Escobar will ask you; do you want Plato or promo? That is, you want to work in a factory, that is a singlet factory or sandal factory. You will get some motor or some small car, genuine money. But if you want to work in a drug factory, you will become a millionaire.
Pablo doesnt take sorry; he wont give you a second chance because it is a dangerous trade. So, when I met his people, they got me involved and I got 150,000 dollars and I bought GMC 12, up till now Ive not seen GMC 12 in Ghana. I was just 25 years, I felt good because money is power, he added.
Paa Joe noted that his deepest regret in life is getting addicted to drugs.
He said this drained him of all the riches he had acquired.
The former BBC staff also said he should have not gotten involved in drug dealing because he was unlucky and had to spend almost 30 years in prison.
A Former drug dealer details how he worked with Pablo Escobar bought GMC-12 At 25
"Pablo Escobar was making close to 800,000 million to 1 billion a day because he was controlling all the networks in the world."
A Former drug dealer details how he worked with Pablo Escobar bought GMC-12 At 25
"Pablo Escobar was making close to 800,000 million to 1 billion a day because he was controlling all the networks in the world."
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