
October 11th , 2024



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Blogging has become both a full-time and part-time job for many people. Bloggers can earn from $100 to $10,000 a month. However, not all bloggers become successful in blogging, some quit along the way, and others don't sacrifice enough to earn much from it.

One of the best things to know about being a successful blogger is to learn some basic ideas. Don't see yourself as good at constructing good grammar in English, so you will automatically become a successful blogger. Getting a few blogging ideas at the beginning fosters peace of mind in your blogging journey. Learning blogging from pros will calm you and give you the edge to success.

5 Ideas for new Bloggers

1. Invest in Blogging course or books

Getting everything for free is nice, but not everything that is free is good. Blogging is easy to some people, but to pro bloggers, it is hard work that requires concentration, motivation, learning, sacrifice, and commitment. 

invest money in blogging courses or buy books from a professional blogger. Sign up for a premium professional blogger's channel and learn the basics of how to become a successful blogger instead of chasing how to make money blogging. A professional blogger will show you an effective way to format your article for better organic traffic.

Investing in a blogging course will help you learn step-by-step ways to become a successful blogger. Investing money in an online course will also give you valuable resources and experience to start your blogging journey. New bloggers who spend money to learn about blogging get all they need to know about specific blogging topics and ideas.

2. Establish friendships with successful bloggers

As a newbie in blogging, try to learn from the best by establishing a friendship with a successful or professional blogger. Having a successful blogger as a friend will help you ask questions firsthand about the dos and don'ts of blogging.

Try as much as possible to also help other bloggers who have the same niche as yours to compare and study how they write and arrange their stories. There are ways to use powerful words to entice the reader. Don't take or ask anything in return from your fellow bloggers, but learn from them secretly.

Soak up the energy from the pros with whom you have established a friendship and release that energy when blogging for your success. Mention some of these pro bloggers in your post or refer to their posts with their links to get backlinks.

3. Don't surround yourself with beginner bloggers

The best way to fly like an eagle is to stop playing with chickens and buzzards. So therefore, the best and ideal way to become a successful blogger is to mingle with successful and professional bloggers.

New bloggers are fond of repeating some common errors that a professional will not. Surround yourself with professional bloggers to be influenced by their examples. New bloggers mostly depend on shares and comments for traffic instead of knowing about SEO to catapult their website traffic.

4. Follow Blogging tips from professionals

There are a lot of successful bloggers and writers online and even in your locality. Successful bloggers always have tips to offer. Professional bloggers who are digital marketers offer free tips on their website that could make you a successful blogger. Patiently put their blogging guidance into action.

Search on Google or any other search engine to find out some of the bloggers who offer serious blogging tips that will make you standout in your blogging. Following tips from this blogger will put you on the right path to a successful blogging career. These pros can teach you what worked for them when they started blogging and what didn't. Knowing all these tips the pros don't know as a beginner makes you an ideal blogger.

5. Dot chase blogging metrics

Most new bloggers spend their entire time chasing metrics to know who is coming from where and how much traffic is coming to their website. Don't chase these metrics, but rather learn about ways to make your blogging credible and reliable. 

Beginners are too focused on the following:

  • number of social media followers
  • number of blog followers
  • blog traffic starts
  • visitors average sessions and 
  • page views.

You cannot grow as a blogger if you always look at the negativities but rather concentrate on the bigger picture, see yourself improving, and strive to get quality traffic and organic traffic by providing quality and detailed contents. There are so many skills to learn as a newbie before your metrics increase.

Meet the Author

Kofi Dekye Acquaye

Web Developer. Digital Marketer and a writer

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