
September 16th , 2024


Fatau Inusah

A year ago


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A year ago

A parent who called an Asian airport officer a "Rochdale paedo" as he attempted to stop him from bringing in a large quantity of smokes has been sentenced to three years in prison.

Michael Legros, 32, brought 19,300 mixed brand cigarettes worth more than £7,500 when he flew through Manchester Airport from Bali.

He erupted into a rant of invective at the border force agents after being told he could only carry in 200 cigarettes, claiming them he could 'purchase' them.

Did you like looking at my kids' underwear, Legros asked an Asian policeman. You resemble a paedo from Rochdale.

What the f***ing problem, he asked. I've paid tax on these cigarettes," he said, but they were later reported to HMRC, and he was fined £7,876 for civil evasion.

Legros received a sentence in addition for making a knife threat to bystanders in Hale in May 2022.

On March 24, 2020, he was requested by cops to have his baggage checked while traveling with his partner and four young children.

Legros called them "c***s," "f***ing tramps," and "scruffs," according to the police.

I could f***ing buy you lot, he declared. If you make £20,000 a year, you can f***ing have him.

You filthy b******s, keep the suitcase; I'll get new one for £50. I have watches and Louis Vuitton bags that are more expensive than what you make.

In anticipation of Legros being violent, the officers requested reinforcements.

The Asian cop claimed that the strong racism spewed at him left him feeling "totally intimidated" and physically shaken.

Legros, a resident of Woolton in Liverpool, had already been found guilty of drug possession, obstructing a police officer, reckless driving, and operating a vehicle without insurance.

He contested the charges, but he was found guilty of racially aggravated harassment, affray, and making a bladed object threat.

Legros received a three-year sentence at Liverpool Crown Court.

'Michael Legros's behavior throughout this episode was disgusting,' stated Charles Lee, Operations Manager of the National Crime Agency.

"After being discovered attempting to evade paying taxes on thousands of cigarettes, he hurled a diatribe of venomous insults at two Border Force agents.

"He then aggravated this behavior by inflicting abhorrent racist abuse on one of the officers."

Officers of the Border Force play a key part in safeguarding the UK by enabling the free flow of people and commerce.

We were resolved to hold Legros accountable for his actions on behalf of our Border Force colleagues because we believe that no one should ever be mistreated in this way.

Director of Border Force North Murdo Macmillan stated: "Action will be taken against people who assault our officials verbally and/or in a racist manner.

We applaud Legros's sentence and will keep up our efforts to keep the UK safe and secure.

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Fatau Inusah

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