
June 26th , 2024



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Ghanaian musician, Samuel Adu Frimpong popularly known as Medikal says he has no regret blocking the Nigerian music star, Davido on social media.

peaking on Starr Chat with Bola Ray on Thursday, the Ghanaian rapper stated that Davido unfollowed him and he had no option but to block him.

According to him, he had no regret blocking Davido despite the fact that both have had great songs together.

“Davido unfollowed me and I took it cool. He unfollowed me over an issue because he didn’t want to see anything about me. So I felt I had to block him because if you unfollowed someone, sometimes their post sometimes pops up. But if you block the person he will not see anything again.

“I’ve no regret blocking Davido, I don’t regret over issue,” Medikal added.

The Ghanaian rapper further stated that he does not go round looking for issues with others.

“But when I am showing love to someone and the person shows me the opposite, I just move on with life,” he added.  

Medikal however added that he would not mind engaging Davido if they should meet at a function.

Medikal has made it clear that he has no regrets about blocking his Nigerian counterpart Davido on social media.

The Ghanaian rapper explained that Davido unfollowed him over a trivial issue that could have been resolved privately.

In response, Medikal said he decided to unfollow Davido as well, helping to keep the matter out of the public eye.

Though he has Davido’s contact and are friends on multiple social media platforms, Medikal simply chose not to reach out, believing it is best to maintain distance for now.

He expressed a willingness to reconcile if circumstances bring them together in the future.

The rapper also noted that despite the current situation, he would be professional and collaborate with Davido if they were scheduled to perform together.

While many may see Medikal as a troublemaker, he defended in an interview with Bola Ray that he prefers to avoid conflicts and negativity.

He remarked hat he values mutual respect and reciprocity in his relationships, and will withdraw when his efforts are not met with the same level of love and respect.

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