
May 13th , 2024


Dean Smith

A year ago


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2020: A Year of Great Leaps for Humanity 2


 Here are a variety of incredible space launches to look forward to in 2020. 


 If we're going to send things into space, we're going to do it right. 2020 will kick off the decade with a host of incredible launches including but not limited to: 


 3) Mars or Bust - Four different missions are planned for the Red Planet this year, including three new little robots that will roam the Martian surface. . Aptly named NASA's Mars 2020 will search for evidence of life in this great red desert, while the Chinese ensemble Huoxing-1 and the European-Russian Rosalind Franklin ensemble will generally be scrambling, looking for something of interest. And the fourth probe?A newcomer to the space racing scene, the United Arab Emirates will field the 

  Hope Mars Mission orbiter. 


 4) Can you hear me now? Do you like the internet? Do you really like cheap and reliable high-speed Internet? Would you like to have that access anywhere, whenever you go, day or night? Well, Elon Musk and his team at SpaceX (the same ones who launched Dragons into space) have something special up their sleeve just for you.Launches later this year will send dozens of satellites into orbit as part of the Starlink program, which is designed to bring broadband internet access to the entire planet 


 But SpaceX isn't alone; Competitor OneWeb is also launching its own fleet of "mega-constellations" this year (and if you need proof that we really are living in the space age, look no further than this sentence). By the end of the year we will have nearly 1,500 new communications satellites in our skies, much to the chagrin of one astronomer and the delight of everyone else. 


 This year is sure to be a busy year for space travel. Who knows what we will have in 2021?

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Dean Smith

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