A year ago
What do you do to calm down your body in the midst of emotions and situations? In this article, we will be highlighting some hand symbols that have been tried and approved when performed could help one overcome his emotions and situations.
NOTE: Although some of these hand symbols are often performed by most celebrities whom the world classifies as �Illuminati�, monks and other spiritual leaders are often seen performing the same hand gestures.
You may have also seen most of these hand signs performed by characters in movies, tv shows, music videos and many more, and you may be wondering the meaning of these hand gestures? Without further or do, let's get straight into a few of some hand gestures and their actual meanings behind them.
Awakening mudra (Uttarabodhi)
It has the power to invoke enlightenment as well as a greater awareness and consciousness of the spiritual. It helps you overcome your fear, relax your body and restore your energy.
Enlightenment Mudra (Yoni)
Your nervous system will quiet down, and you'll have more control over your senses. It assists you in developing inner awareness
and improving your communication skills so you can impress everyone in the room.
Illumination mudra (Kalesvara)
It will slow down your thoughts and make you more aware of addictive behaviors. It improves your memory, clears your
the mind of competing thoughts, and helps you concentrate.
Unbreakable Trust Mudra
It will instill unshakeable self-confidence in you as well as inner strength and faith
in a higher power. With this, your self-assurance will soar, enabling you to decide how your future self will live.
Kali mudra
It will be useful in getting rid of some unnecessary heart baggage and giving you the strength to get through a trying day. It promotes optimism in the body while unclogging channel blockages.
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